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SKU OWCDDMMCL0GB Categories , , ,

OWC 9mm Optical Enclosure Kit for Mac Mini


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The OWC Data Doubler Optical Bay Hard Drive/SSD Mounting Solution enables you to replace your optical drive with an extra hard drive or SSD. You can replace your Mac Mini or iMac’s internal SuperDrive with the Data Doubler. In addition, it is suitable for use with 2009 Mac Mini and 2009 2011 iMac models.

Using the blue anodized aluminum bracket with adaptor cable, any 9.5mm tall 2.5″ SATA hard disk drive or a SSD can be mounted. The complete assembly of Data Doubler with the hard drive can be installed into a Mac Mini or iMac’s 5.25″ optical drive bay. In addition, the installed drive functions like a SATA storage device and can be setup/partitioned using the Apple Disk Utility Program.

The Data Doubler Optical Bay Hard Drive/SSD Mounting Solution offers configuration options such as individual volume creation with its own desktop icon, combining a new drive with the existing internal drive for one larger volume (SPAN), combining a new matching drive with existing internal for high performance RAID 0 Stripe volume,Time Machine backup drive configuration, and formatting one drive for the Mac OS and the other dedicated for Windows.

Product Highlights

  • Replaces Optical Drive with Hard Drive
  • For 2009 Mac Mini/2009 2011 iMac Models
  • Blue Anodized Aluminum Bracket
  • Adaptor Cable
  • Uses Apple Disk Utility Program
  • Supports Configuration Options